Friday, January 20, 2012

Blog Updates(not a normal post)

Well as you guys may have already noticed, we're ever gaining in popularity, which is awesom! Along with this you may have noticed some updates being made to the blog as of recently.

First and foremost, I'd like to welcome my dear friend and fellow fashionista Emerald to the SynStyle Bloggers team! I know for a fact that she won't let you guys down! Great first post Emerald! I really hope you like blogging as much as we do! Feel free to hit her up as much as you would me for anything female fashion. :)

Second, you may have noticed that above this article, and others if there's newer articles, that there's an about bloggers page. This is there so that if you guys wanna contact us for any reason, you can find out who we are really fast and just shoot your desired blogger an IM. The other tab is our FAQ, always a good read if you guys are curious about anything. If its not there then do IM us! We'd be happy to help.

Third, on the side pannels you'll notice two new little things. The first being about liking us on FB and twitter on the right side of your screen. Like us on FB as much as possible! *big grins* The other is actually a pole asking all of your opinion. I really wanted to hold off, but as we grow in popularity I've been concidering it more and more to make a group and maybe even a small head quarters. I never expected us to grow as fast as we are, but I'm loving it every minute and I thank all of you for all of your support.

So go ahead you know you wanna! Answer the pole. Tell me what you think. Do you all love the blog, should we do an inworld group, maybe even a head quarters? Where do you wanna see us go? We really want to know what all of you think!

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